
Ketua Hakim (Dzaiddin) mengatakan yang beliau adalah saudara kepada Agong sekarang (Sultan Sirajuddin, Raja Perlis), maka beliau mahu kekal sehingga 68 (tahun).Jadi saya maklumkan kepada Tengku Adnan, semalam saya ada berjumpa Tengku.
Tengku maklumkan yang PM (Mahathir) begitu marah padanya, PM kata, tidak ada masalah untuk lantik Datuk sebagai pemangku, err... sahkan jawatan sebagai Presiden Makhamah Rayuan, dan bersungguh untuk pastikan Tan Sri Mokhtar sebagai Ketua Hakim Malaya.
Ah, kita pastikan ianya sulit. Saya sedang bekerja keras untuk tujuan itu.
Kemudian ada sepucuk surat, menurut Tengku, saya akan menemui Tengku esok, ada sepucuk surat telah dihantar kepada Ketua Hakim, maksud saya Tan Sri Dzaiddin, mengatakan yang Datuk Heliliah, Datuk Ramli, dan Datuk Ma’roop dilantik sebagai hakim, dan beliau menolak Datuk Andrew Chui dan Zainuddin Ismail. Ini kerana Zainuddin Ismail ‘mengganggu’ perlantikan Datuk dan Tan Sri Mokhtar.
Dan Datuk juga perlu menulis surat dalam tempoh 5 minggu disahkan sebagai hakim.
Memo kita, saya akan bincang dengan Tun Eusoff Chin dan kita akan serahkan memo yang sama kepada PM.
Saya cuma mahu dapatkan satu salinan surat untuk pastikan yang perkara ini akan disahkan kelak.
Kemudian Tan Sri Dzaiddin sebut bahawa beliau akan menyokong 6 orang untuk Mahkamah Rayuan, tetapi sehingga ke hari ini surat tersebut masih tidak sampai ke tangan PM.
Tan Sri tidak pernah berbincang, malah tidak pernah hantar surat tersebut kepada PM.
Ya, beliau tidak hantar.
Saya faham yang di bawah perlembagaan untuk hakim, semuanya merupakan tugas Datuk untuk menghantar (surat tersebut), tetapi kita tidak perlu ketengahkan isu tersebut sekarang.
Masa yang sukar ya?
Ok. Sebenarnya saya telah pesan kepada Tengku Adnan untuk maklum kepada PM, untuk berjumpa dengan Datuk. Saya akan aturkan supaya Tengku Adnan akan hubungi Datuk secara terus, dan apabila saya dapat nombor telefon Datuk, saya akan minta Tengku untuk hubungi Datuk terus untuk Datuk berjumpa dengan PM lah. Jadi, sepatutnya semua ok. Kemudian... betul... Sebab sangat penting untuk kita pastikan ada ‘pemain utama’ di situ.
Betul... Betul... Datuk tahu tak yang masalah sama dihadapi oleh Tun Eusoff Chin. Tun Eusoff cuba lakukan semua ini tetapi beliau ‘kehilangan askar’. Beliau tak dapat lakukan kerana ramai yang datang dari kem berlainan.
Masa itu, kurang bernasib baik kerana Tun Daim telah lakukan sabotaj.
Datuk tahu?
Jadi adakah semuanya ok dengan Datuk? Semuanya ok?
Tidak, jangan risau. Datuk perlu tahu, kadang-kadang Tan Sri Vincent sebut, sebahagian daripada masa mereka hanya bercakap soal kehakiman daripada melakukan kerja. Tetapi jika saya tidak laksanakan bahagian ini, kerja saya akan jadi sia-sia.
Hahaha. Ah, ya. Betul... Setuju... Betul. Ah, betul, susah.
Datuk cuba lihat, sekarang dia (Dzaiddin) nak lantik 6 orang hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, jadi dia boleh letakkan orang-orangnya sebelum dia bersara.
Betul... ah, kemudian? Ah, betul. Tetapi jangan bimbang, saya akan lakukan kerja ini, saya akan dapatkan Tengku Adnan untuk aturkan dengan PM untuk hubungi Datuk dan Tan Sri Vincent Tan, untuk PM hubungi Datuk.
Dan sebenarnya Datuk, saya betul-betul berterima kasih dengan Tan Sri Vincent Tan. Datuk tahu kenapa?
Saya paksa beliau, malah saya bertengkar dengan beliau.
Satu hari saya datang ke rumah Vincent Tan, saya marah beliau pada malam saya di rumahnya.
Saya cakap, "kalau awak tak lakukan siapa yang akan buat?"
Semua orang-orang ini, Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk Ahmad Fairuz, Tan Sri Zainon, semuanya berebutkan jawatan tersebut.
Kemudian beliau hubungi Tengku Adnan.
Saya hubungi Tengku Adnan, beliau cakap "Saya bukan Perdana Menteri Malaysia lah!" Datuk tahu?
Jika orang tua itu tak mahu dengar cakap saya, pergi jahanamlah! Tengku bertekak dengan saya. Saya cakap, "tak apa, tak apa. Kalau Tengku tidak cakap dengan saya, Tengku cakap dengan PM lagi esok pagi untuk lantik Datuk Ahmad Fairuz sebagai Ketua Hakim Malaya."
Dan keesokan paginya Tengku berjumpa PM dan hubungi saya balik pada 9.30 pagi, dan beliau maklumkan yang PM telah bersetuju.
Jadi saya bilang, "tak apa, kita harapkan yang terbaik."
Saya bilang, tak ada percubaan yang merosakkan, paling buruk yang bakal terjadi ialah awak tewas.
Jadi orang tua, dia dah berusia 76 tahun, dia ‘dibisik’ di mana-mana, dan kalau kita tak ‘bisik’ sama, dia akan dipengaruhi oleh pihak lain.
Tapi sekarang PM begitu teliti kerana setiap kali beliau peroleh surat daripada Tan Sri Dzaiddin, beliau akan hubungi Tengku Adnan dan maklumkan ‘bincang dengan Vincent, datang dan bincang.’
Ya... ya... ya. Betul... Ya, tetapi Datuk tengok, walaupun saya kenal PM, saya adalah pengamal guaman. Pendapat saya... akan melalui mereka, akan melalui mereka lah.
Dan kemudian Dzaiddin akan hubungi dan beritahu mereka yang Datuk berjumpa dengan PM dan Datuk jadikan ini satu isu besar.
Oh ya...saya terfikir begitu juga.
Ok. Ok. Baik... Ok...
Ah... Betul...
Sekarang saya dengar Raja Aziz, Raja Aziz ada bercakap dengan peguam saya Thayalan, dan seorang peguam lagi, Ailan, di Mahkamah Tinggi, mereka ada kes satu sama lain.
Jadi Thayalan dan Ailan bertanya kepada Raja Aziz, bagaimana keadaan Tan Sri Wan Adnan?
Raja Aziz bilang Wan Adnan sudah nazak. Tetapi Datuk tahu apa perkara yang mengejutkan yang Raja Aziz beritahu?
Datuk Fairuz sudah jadi Ketua Hakim Malaya. Dia mendahului semua orang. Dalam tempoh 3 bulan. Dia (Fairuz) akan jadi Presiden Hakim Rayuan, dan dalam tempoh 6 bulan dia akan jadi Ketua Hakim. Raja Aziz bilang beliau tak akan terima kejutan ini. Dia cakap lah.
Ha, nampaknya mereka akan atur satu kempen untuk jatuhkan Datuk. Tetapi Datuk cuma perlu senyap, jangan cakap apa-apa.
Walaupun ditanya oleh wartawan, Datuk sekadar cakap "saya serahkan kepada Tuhan," cukup.
Jangan sesekali cakap.
Saya suka kenyataan anda.
Datuk sebut saja Datuk telah bekerja keras. “apa lagi yang boleh saya buat? Saya serah pada Tuhan.�
Itu jawapan terbaik yang boleh Datuk berikan.
Ah... Saya juga akan minta Tan Sri untuk ingatkan PM untuk anugerahkan gelaran Tan Sri tahun ini (kepada Datuk).
Ah... Datuk tahu, ini akan naikkan imej Datuk. Datuk pun tahu kan.
Oh. Ya...
Ha... Steve Shim dapat begitu cepat, Tan Sri Chong terpaksa tunggu sehingga 4 tahun untuk dapatkan gelaran Tan Sri.
Ah... Ya Tuhan. Sebab itulah...
Jangan risau, kita akan aturkan semua ini.
Jika Tan Sri Vincent dan Tengku Adnan mahu berjumpa Datuk secara sulit. Saya yakin mereka akan jumpa. Saya akan hubungi Datuk.
Kita akan aturkan secara sulit, di kawasan yang bebas.
Tidak, jangan risau Datuk. Saya tahu bagaimana Datuk sengsara demi Tun Eusoff Chin.
Dan Tun sebut kesetiaan Datuk Ahmad Fairuz adalah 110%.
Kita mahu pastikan yang orang kita ada di sana untuk kebaikan PM dan Negara.
Bukan untuk kepentingan kita, bukan untuk kepentingan kita.
Kita mahu pastikan yang Negara diutamakan dengan baik.
Datuk terlalu sengsara, sudah banyak yang Datuk telah lakukan, termasuk petisyen pilihan raya, Wee Choo Keong, semuanya lah. Takkan ada sesiapa yang boleh lakukan semua ini.
Ya... Datuk pun tahu, baik lah.
Ok, jangan risau. Saya bersungguh-sungguh menguruskan perkara ini.
Ya... ya... Jangan risau, jangan risau.
Kita bersungguh-sungguh demi perkara ini. Dan Datuk, sekiranya Tan Sri Vincent dan Tengku Adnan mahu bertemu dengan Datuk, saya akan aturkan di tempat yang sulit.
Ok Datuk, moga Tuhan merahmati kamu dan keluarga.
Terima kasih. Bye.
Part 2
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that Dato?
Lingam: Chief Justice Malaya.
[Off Camera Voice]: Who is that?
Lingam: Dato Ahmad Fairuz
[Off camera voice]: Oh Ahmad Fairuz.
Lingam: I put him up there. Don’t tell this, please. I cannot tell this to Manjit. And he is acting President Court of Appeals Number 2 post. He is next Chief Justice. He always says “I leave it to you.”
[Off Camera Voice]: I thought you were very close to Tun Eusoff Chin, Datuk?
Lingam: He is Eusoff Chin’s man, Eusoff Chin retired. But Dzaiddin hates Eusoff Chin, you understand? Ah..
[Off Camera Voice]: Because you know I…I…I..as far as I know you are very…
Lingam: Eusoff Chin and I are extremely close. Because you know…Yeah. Eusoff Chin in power, I can straight and get in Pom! Pom! Pom! Pom! But now Dzaiddin is there. So Dzaiddin is attacking our cases. That means what? James Kumar is aligned to Dzaiddin. But Dzaiddin is retiring in 15th of September. He is finished.
[Off camera voice]: Next year?
Lingam: So Dzaiddin really wants to go…Don’t worry. Dzaiddin recommended Malik Ahmad to be Chief Judge of Malaya. But we went and “cut” “cut” cut” cut” I and Tengku Adnan and Vincent told PM. I stop him for now, because he is anti-PM. We put Fairuz in. And we put…I told you three months ago he became CJM [Chief Justice Malaya]. He said “Don’t believe.” Then he got it. He rang up to thank me. And all that. He now acting PCA because Wan Adnan is sick. Right? This. Apart from law knowledge you need kow tow. Please understand that. You need to know the emperor. Knowing the law doesn’t give you
the winning formula, you must also kow tow to the emperor. Correct or not? So now I am working very hard. So he agreed to meet Vincent Tan and PM and…what you call Tengku Adnan.
[Off camera voice]: Do you think Vincent has an interest over PM?
Lingam: You don’t know about the history. Businesswise may not be successful. Robert Kuok is very brilliant. Lim Goh Tong is very rich. Vincent Tan, you know what PM say? He went to Averton he went to Langkawi. He said bincang. I want you to build a hotel here. His wife pulled him away. [Inaudible] He said Dato Seri I will think about it. The wife pulled him away. There is another [inaudible] cannot get a bank loan. Vincent there. Vincent, can you build a hotel? Ready for next Air show?
I want you do it in 6 months. `Datuk Seri, Don’t worry, I will get it done.’ He paid double the price to get all of them. A big loss lah. Then Solomon Island and Fiji and all, he said, Vincent go and invest there, he went and bought…[inaudible] the government factory [inaudible] you do this project a bit and cover up your loss. PM will do what he want to do to cover your backside.
[Off camera voice]: Vincent is very close to him.
Lingam: That’s right. Don’t ask… because Vincent has taken me to PM’s residence… the house … [inaudible]… Anwar’s case… the lawyers…Wee Cheong … [inaudible]. But I cannot go and talk to PM just like that and say promote this and that…
Because ah, he knows… I am a… but when PM calls me on Anwar’s case, I can tell him… he’ll listen…But if I go promote so and so, that means I got interest. So, I don’t do that. I use Vincent and Tengku, go and do that. I don’t f*** them up. They go
and do that. But I tell you this lah. Don’t tell in front of people, of course. Life, one thing go confidential wrong is dangerous. Ah. Never, never say…You should… never. Even though to PM. You should never say. I don’t know. I always say “I don’t know.” That’s all.
[Off camera voice]: Everybody… I think many people know. Even the son case, everything I talk the father, …. Talk until he agreed.
Lingam: You know me [inaudible]. But I never talk about it. Even the son’s case, I do everything. I talk to the father…Talk until he agreed. But if it is a big crisis that affects him, ….I can talk, he will listen. But if I want to favour somebody, that I cannot guarantee. Because my interest is not his interest. You know what I mean. Tomorrow invest your interest involving your father, I can come say this this this, you will listen. But tomorrow I appeal for me, you are not obliged to listen. Because you are a politician, PM. Politician is what is your interest, not what is my interest. But if I am giving advise on your interest, you will listen. On my interest, you will not. You must be careful about this.
[Off camera voice]: Datuk, I need to ask you this question.
Lingam: Ask me. Ask me.
[Off camera voice]: For a while now…
Lingam: Because we can talk behind these people.
[Off camera voice]… Actually, I think, you know, Daim has more equity interest in Berjaya than Vincent Tan, isn’t that true?
Lingam: Let me tell you something … [inaudible] was bought by Daim … [inaudible]. Later on he did some deals where Daim supposed to help him. One or two he helped. Supposed to give him some money. Didn’t give. Part was paid, part not paid. Later on Daim called up and he got paid.
Part 3
Lingam: The constitution judges said the constitution said, in the opinion of the prime minister he recommend. Who the prime minister recommend? So you are Dzaiddin, you are chief justice, you recommend 10 names, I consent, I said I want these 15 names, can’t do anything. He recommend to rulers, rulers only consulted, not approve, only consult. You Know?
[Voice off-camera]: Because if it goes up to the Court of Appeal…
Lingam: Now Dzaiddin wants to come through the PM because he wants his Tun-ship. So…he doing everything to please the PM lah, but he recommended five judges, three…three approved, which is Tun Eusoff Chin’s men, two not Eusoff Chin’s men which we objected. I prepared the report and rejected… but he wants to appeal again lah.
[Voice off-camera]: Can he appeal?
Lingam: He can appeal lah, but will be rejected lah.
[Voice off-camera]: I never know appointment can be rejected you know?
Lingam: No, recommendation can be rejected. The PM shall recommend so and so, after consulting so and so. So, PM suppose to consult Loh Mui Fah before he recommends. So Loh Mui Fah recommend 10 names, he in fact can say I disagree with your 10 names, I recommend Gurm…Lingam and so and so. Nothing you can do. You are only…you are supposed to be consulted, not to be approved. You see the point or not? The constitution said consult. I suppose to consult my father before I marry, I consulted him, he disagreed but still I married!
[Voice off-camera]: Because that is not final, ah.
Lingam: Right, consult is to discuss. That’s all. But if I must get my father’s approval before married, then different. Approval different from consult.
[Voice off-camera]: So, who is the lord president now?
Lingam: Now chief justice Dzaiddin.
[Voice off-camera]: Dzaiddin…
Lingam: But between you and me. We have taken Dzaiddin for dinner three times.
[Voice off-camera]: Three times already.
Lingam: And we have given him the most expensive gift. Don’t ask about it lah. I have given him and Vincent Tan has given him. So, he also cannot attack us. Tomorrow we go say we give you this this this. He cannot go and say you are a agent. Correct or not? So, he is neither here nor there lah. That’s all.
[Voice off-camera]: But… Chief Justice..
Lingam: But in the court when I argue with him. He said, Datuk Lingam you said you will take one hour. I said, my Lord, it is only 50 minutes, I got another 10 minutes. But…I appreciate. Thank you, thank you… He is very nice with me, very polite with me. I have been sending cakes every hari raya. Vincent has been sending. He can’t go and say he is very clean, correct or not?
[Voice off-camera]: But then he is…
Lingam: But he is playing his game lah. He got the job, that’s it. Now, September he is finished that’s all. Make sure he is not extended.
[Voice off-camera]: But, he may ask for extension.
Lingam: He is hoping… he told somebody that he likes the job very much. Then he likes…Let him dream lah.
[Voice off-camera]: Above him is the Lord President?
Lingam: He is the number one man, Dzaiddin.
[Voice off-camera]: Whose the Lord President?
Lingam: He is called… those days called lord president, now called chief justice, federal court.
[Voice off-camera]: Oh… it is the same title.
Lingam: Number two President Court of Appeal, that Wan Adnan, my personal friend. He was sick. Nobody knows he is close to me. Right, in fact, he never knew his name is going up until I told him. Then number three, Ahmad Fairuz, Chief Judge Malaya. Ahmad Fairuz is going to be acting, now acting…number two. Right? So, next minute, even Raja Aziz said he is going to be the next top job. He is…definitely number one lah. So, he told me I leave it all to you and you must help me and all…I said I’ll arrange for you to meet Tengku Adnan, Vincent and meet with PM lah…But this bugger is sometimes a bit scared. Ah…I must play shadow from the behind. Nobody should know I know you. Then you can help more. But people, see you know more, like Eusoff Chin, because I met him in New Zealand, became a problem. But if I didn’t meet him in New Zealand, it’s a… no problem. Correct or not? Unfortunate.
[Voice off-camera]: Then, in your…then they said you have taken photograph with him holidaying in…huh…huh…
Lingam: But unfortunately, I didn’t know. The worst thing I didn’t know Eusoff Chin put his hand like that! Alamak…so…I also didn’t know about it. What to do?
[Voice off-camera]: Then… then…
Lingam: Do you know, today one o’clock, Eusoff Chin having lunch in his house today. Hari Raya today. He called me and my wife to come. I told him we don’t go today, we make it another day. I don’t come but my wife and children will come.
You know or not?
I told my wife to call…[unclear]… [phone rings]…
Lingam: Hello…Joe Ah…!
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