Hanya tujuh kematian akibat dari letupan bom yang dihasilkan dari ammonium nitrat. Dan pada pukul 4.50 pm pada hari yang sama beberapa tembakan mula kedengaran di kem pemuda Parti Buruh di Pulau Utoya. Sehingga pukul 6.30 pm, lapan puluh lima orang terbunuh akibat ditembak menggunakan senjata api.
Pembunuh adalah seorang anggota Freemason dari Saint Johannes lodge di Oslo semenjak dari tahun 2008. Beliau telah menggunakan sepucuk senapang automatik AR-15, senapang patah, dan pistol jenis Glock ketika mengamuk di Pulau Utoya. Perbuatannya ini akibat terlalu takut kepada Islam atau di panggil Islamphobia...petikan berita dari Norway..

"..Well the guy is rather complex in his choice or declarations:
1. free mason
2. pro zionist pro israel
3. anti immigration
4. christian fundamentalist (doesn't really compute with free mason but while at it)
5. video games fan
6. close to the far right (doesn't really compute with the pro israel stance )
His profile is not clear, either the guy was really mentally lost. Anyway it is gold for conspiracy theories...you know the evils pro zionists that manipulate the freemason that brainwash the civil society through video games created by the far right in order to have fundamental religion rules back.."
Penyakit ini adalah sama seperti yang dialami oleh penyokong-penyokong umPORNo di Malaysia. Maka berhati-hati lah kita...

Baca cerita selanjutnya disini. tetapi ada beberapa persoalan yang memerlukan jawapan..
Pembunuh adalah seorang anggota Freemason dari Saint Johannes lodge di Oslo semenjak dari tahun 2008. Beliau telah menggunakan sepucuk senapang automatik AR-15, senapang patah, dan pistol jenis Glock ketika mengamuk di Pulau Utoya. Perbuatannya ini akibat terlalu takut kepada Islam atau di panggil Islamphobia...petikan berita dari Norway..
"..how horrible is this. he dressed up as a police 'counselor' went to the summer camp, since all the kids have family in Oslo. Then they gather all the kids around him to inform them about the attack in Oslo city and THEN the same guy uses this trick to shoot the kids.."

"..Well the guy is rather complex in his choice or declarations:
1. free mason
2. pro zionist pro israel
3. anti immigration
4. christian fundamentalist (doesn't really compute with free mason but while at it)
5. video games fan
6. close to the far right (doesn't really compute with the pro israel stance )
His profile is not clear, either the guy was really mentally lost. Anyway it is gold for conspiracy theories...you know the evils pro zionists that manipulate the freemason that brainwash the civil society through video games created by the far right in order to have fundamental religion rules back.."
Penyakit ini adalah sama seperti yang dialami oleh penyokong-penyokong umPORNo di Malaysia. Maka berhati-hati lah kita...
Gambar-gambar aktiviti yang sedang dijalankan oleh Parti Buruh di Pulau Utoya sehari sebelum kejadian.

Baca cerita selanjutnya disini. tetapi ada beberapa persoalan yang memerlukan jawapan..
QUESTION: Why was the bloodbath slaughter of 85 youth camp students on an island in Norway allowed to continue for more than an hour and a half?
QUESTION: Why was a "media" helicopter flying around the island during Anders Breivik's shooting rampage and taking pictures of him shooting his victims? It's no surprise that Ruppert Murdoch's The Sun was first to publish the "live" action photographs of the murders-in-progress.
QUESTION: Why did it take the police 90 minutes to get to the island to intervene? Why was there no immediate helicopter available to the police? No boat?
QUESTION: Why was there no security on the island except for one unarmed ex-police officer?
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