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A Marilyn Monroe expert says that the woman in the footage is not Marilyn, as the woman is fatter and less feminine than Marilyn.
“The woman in this porn movie is not Marilyn Monroe. The chin is not the same, the lips are different and also the teeth. The woman in the image is pretty big and Marilyn was small. And I know this because I own some of her clothes” Scott Fortner said.
The man who says that this is a genuine Marilyn Monroe porn movie is named Mikel Barsa and he says he wants at least 500,000 dollars for this alleged Marilyn Monroe pron movie. The movie has a duration of 6,5 minutes, it is in black and white and it was made in 1947, allegedly.
The movie was first released in 1997, and it caused a real debate about the identity of the leading actress. The American Film Institute concluded that the woman in the movie is not Marilyn Monroe, but her “twin sister”.
Below you can watch some scenes from the alleged Marilyn Monroe Porn Movie
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