This shady organization is connected to several banks known for money laundering, especially in the facilitation of drug trafficking and weapon sales. It helped to arm Saddam Hussein in the buildup to the Gulf War. It employs high-level government officials. Its client base is largely dependent upon the connections of Henry Kissinger
Note of interest: Timothy Geithner is a current employee of Kissinger Associates, Inc.
This international consultancy firm, owned and run by Henry Kissinger, was incorporated April 7, 1982 in the state of Delaware, though its primary offices are located in New York City.The company is extremely secretive and it is difficult to uncover information about them. Despite the fact that they have operated for more than twenty years, been involved in several multinational scandals resulting in congressional investigations, and are headed by one of the most notorious criminal political figures in modern history, there is virtually no information available about them in traditional sources.
They do not seem to produce an annual report. There is no record of SEC filings.
The only bits of information come from combing through old press releases, news articles, and brief biographies on event participant lists. The company operated a website for five years with nothing but the firm’s name and two phone numbers.
The criss crossing of names here will make your heads spin, dear Readers. But it will also show just how incestuous and firmly bound these goons-in-power are. How tightly their grip of greed binds them as they scuttle about ~ a clutter of voracious wolf spiders, attempting to spin the planet helpless against their vicious onslaught. Interestingly, the last writer/historian to make my head spin with the details provided was Eustace Mullins and that is a huge compliment to Mr. Henderson!

In here you will find some fine details that show just how these financial elite, on the whole ancient families who can and are traced back through history, meddled with the course of the world and profited from what are now historical events to reach the position they are in today.
And never forget, the dark hand of the Rothschilds and their ilk, related by interbreeding and criminal activities, is ever present. Yes, the Jewish Sabbateans are in this up to their eyeballs and beyond.
As far as the pedophile KissAssinger is concerned, he is a busy little fiend; may his filthy corpse, oops he is still alive… My dancing shoes are all polished for the day we can collectively dance upon his grave.
Dean Henderson
August 31, 2011
(Part one of a two-part series excerpted from Chapter 18 of my book Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf…)
At the nadir of Four Horsemen/Gulf Cooperation Council/CIA petrodollar drugs for guns recycling scheme quietly sit the international banksters. Through every major scandal and behind every despotic regime stands a global financial oligarchy ~ ultimate beneficiary of the world's addiction to oil, guns and drugs.
ED: Just for "fun" I would add slavery of all types to this list of problems.
The oil wealth generated in the Persian Gulf region is the main source of capital for these bankers.
They sell the GCC sheiks 30-year treasury bonds at 5% interest, then loan the sheiks’ oil money out to Third World governments and Western consumers alike at 15-20% interest.
In the process these financial overlords ~ who produce nothing of economic import ~ use debt as their lever in consolidating control over the global economy.
The international bankers oversee Persian Gulf oil wealth generated by their Big Oil tentacles.
Chase Manhattan called the shots at Iran’s central Bank Markazi, and then looted the Iranian Treasury as insiders Rockefeller, Kissinger and McCloy whisked their Shah puppet into exile.
Chase had close ties to the Saudi SAMA central bank and Venezuela’s central bank, where Rockefeller-controlled Exxon Mobil “is the CIA”.
Chase launched the Saudi Industrial Development Fund which doled out contracts to Chase-owned multinationals during the Saudi modernization drive, then bought Saudi Investment Banking Corporation, which did exactly the same. [1]
World Bank Presidents Eugene Black and John McCloy both came from Chase.
Morgan Guaranty Trust presided over the House of Saud oil kitty. SAMA, created as the Kingdom’s Central Bank as the ink was still drying on the US/Saudi Security Agreement, was run by IMF goon Anwar Ali, who was handled by the “Three Wise Men” or “White Fathers”, the most powerful of which was John Meyer, chairman of Morgan Guaranty Trust’s International Division and later chairman of Morgan Guaranty.
Meyer funneled SAMA petrodollar royalties into Morgan, which was investment counselor to SAMA. [2]
Morgan was banker to Bechtel and ARAMCO. Stephen Bechtel sat on Morgan Guaranty’s board, as did Chevron Texaco CFR insider George Schultz and Sulaiman Olayan, the Bechtel straw man crucial to recycling Persian Gulf petrodollars into international banks.
Olayan owned half of Saudi Bechtel and big chunks of Chase Manhattan, Occidental Petroleum and CS First Boston, where he was director until 1995. Olayan founded Saudi-British Bank, a big player in the secretive Eurodollar market. He had a shady Caribbean partnership with Barclays and Jardine Matheson, which control Israeli finance and HSBC, respectively. He was board member at American Express alongside Henry Kissinger and Edmund Safra ~ whose crooked Republic Bank is part of the HSBC cesspool.
Olayan Group’s bankers were CS First Boston, Saudi-British Bank, Saudi Hollandi Bank (subsidiary of ABN Amro ~ now Royal Bank of Scotland) and Chase. [3]
Through these relationships Olayan was the glue that bonds the House of Saud to its Four Horsemen American, British and Dutch family owners.
In 1975 Morgan Guaranty took a 20% stake in Saudi International Bank in London, whose executive director was Morgan Guaranty Trust Director Peter de Roos. SAMA owned a 50% share, while Bank of Tokyo, Deutsche Bank, Banque de Nationale de Paris, National Westminster Bank and Union Bank of Switzerland each owned 5%. [4]

Citibank bought 33% of Saudi American Bank. SAMA was advised by Merrill Lynch and Baring Brothers (now part of Royal Bank of Scotland), assuring both New York and London control over oil proceeds. The White Fathers firmly held the reins over House of Saud ARAMCO oil revenues.
Morgan Guaranty was investment adviser to the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, central bank of the UAE, where monarch and primary BCCI shareholder Sheik Zayed held the purse strings.
Morgan Grenfell, the London arm of the House of Morgan, advised the GCC government of Qatar and UAE gold market emirate Dubai. Grenfell ~ now part of Deutsche Bank ~ owned a large share of Jordan’s central bank and financed weapons sales to Oman, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.
When Saudi Lockheed arms dealer Adnan Khasshoggi bought Arizona-Colorado Land & Cattle Company in 1974, US investment arm Morgan Stanley swung the deal. When Khasshoggi bought a 17,000 acre dairy farm and a million acre cattle ranch in Sudan, Morgan Stanley helped again.
In 1984 Morgan Grenfell led the push for North Sea oil exploration. Sir John Stevens of Grenfell advised Iran’s Bank Markazi. Stevens was a Bank of England insider, where Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir Robert Clark was board member.
Morgan Stanley occupied the top 16 floors of the Exxon Building in New York. It handled the 1977 sale of BP shares by the British government to Kuwait’s al-Sabah clan. [5]
Jardine Matheson Chairman David Newbigging sits on the International Advisory Board at Morgan Guaranty and is arguably Hong Kong’s most powerful man.
Chairman of Morgan et Cie, the bank’s international division, was Lord Cairncatto; who sat on the London Committee of HSBC, was Chairman of Morgan Grenfell and member of the Inner Council at the Royal Institute of International Affairs. [6]
HSBC and Kleinwort Benson control Hong Kong’s Sharps Pixley Ward gold monopoly.
HSBC owns British Bank of the Middle East, which monopolizes Dubai’s thriving gold market; Edmund Safra’s Republic Bank of New York, which dominated the old Lebanese gold markets; and Midland Bank, clearing agent for the drug-riddled Panamanian government.
Until recently, HSBC’s Sharps Pixley and Samuel Montagu subsidiaries joined Cecil Rhodes-founded Standard Chartered’s Mocatta Metals, Johnson Matthey and N.M. Rothschild & Sons in London each day to unilaterally fix the price of gold.
The latter two fixers have interlocking board directorates with both HSBC and Anglo-American- the Oppenheimer-controlled conglomerate whose Engelhardt subsidiary monopolizes world gold refining. [7]
The Oppenheimers also control Rio Tinto and DeBeers ~ the Cecil Rhodes-founded monopolizer of the global diamond trade.
Anglo-American’s Bermuda subsidiary Minorco plays a big role in Silver Triangle gold/diamond/drug swaps.
Diamond cutting is financed by the Belgian Lambert family, cousins to the Rothschilds; and Barclays Bank, whose board boasts Sir Harry Oppenheimer and four other members of Queen Elizabeth’s Knights of St. John Jerusalem ~ the most of any firm in the world. [8]
Canadian banking giants Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto Dominion Bank and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce; join British giants National Westminster, Barclays, Lloyds and HSBC, in presiding over Caribbean Silver Triangle drug money laundering. Bank of Nova Scotia is the biggest gold dealer in the Caribbean and owned the 200 tons of gold recovered from vaults beneath the ruins of the World Trade Center in late 2001.
The biggest investment bank in the Caribbean is known as ITCO- a joint venture between Anglo-American, Barclays, N. M. Rothschild and Royal Bank of Canada.
Lloyds Director A. D. F. Lloyd is brother-in-law of the 10th Earl of Airlie ~ chairman of the Warburg-controlled Schroeder Bank which financed Hitler. The Earl’s wife is a granddaughter of Otto Kahn, leading partner at Kuhn Loeb.
Winston Churchill’s mother-in-law was an Airlie. Churchill’s cousin Viscount Cowdray owns a big stake in Lazard, where the Kennedy family banks. [9]
Lazard controls the Financial Times, the Economist and Penguin Books.
Saudi-controlled Citigroup and Baker-controlled Texas Commerce ~ now a JP Morgan Chase subsidiary ~ helped Raul Salinas pilfer the Mexican Treasury.
Rothschild-controlled Bank of America ~ founded as the Bank of Italy under the umbrella of Amadeo Giannini’s Transamerica holding company ~ formed a $3 billion joint venture with Banco Ambrosiano, bought looted Continental Bank, provided seed money for BCCI and cleared deals for BNL. At the time Bank of America was the world’s largest bank. [776]
According to Chicago researcher Sherman Skolnick, Bank of America was the conduit for dirty money generated by Swiss/Israeli Mossad fugitive financier Marc Rich, and for the funny money that vanished amidst the Enron cesspool.
Skolnick adds that Nugan Hand Bank morphed into Household International ~ a sub-prime lender based in Chicago, whose lawyer until his mysterious canoe accident was former CIA Director Bill Colby. [10]
Household is now a subsidiary of HSBC.
Tibor Rosenbaum’s Geneva-based Banque de Credit Internationale (BCI) was predecessor of BCCI, skimming profits from Meyer Lansky casinos and drug deals to finance MI6 and Mossad skullduggery, including Permindex. [11]
Lansky got his start in organized crime with financial help from the Rothschild family.
Robert Vesco got his wings from the Rockefeller-financed Mary Carter Paint Company. Santos Trafficante is their successor.
CS First Boston was founded by the Boston Perkins family with opium proceeds and served as paymaster for both the JFK hit and the assassination attempt on French President Charles de Gaulle.
Both Richard Holbrooke, Obama Afghan envoy and chief architect of the Dayton Accords; and Dick Thornburgh, Bush Attorney General during the BNL cover-up, worked at CS First Boston alongside Sulaiman Olayan. The bank teamed up with BP Amoco to grab the first 20% of Russian Lukoil.
Kissinger Associates clients included the BCCI-owned National Bank of Georgia and BNL ~ which worked with the Iraqi Central Bank to arm Iraq through numbered accounts at Bank of America, Bank of New York, Chase Manhattan and Manufacturers Hanover Trust.
BNL’s clearing agent on these transactions was Morgan Guaranty Trust. Chase Manhattan Bank’s Board of Directors mirrored BNL’s Consulting Board for International Policy.
Henry Kissinger is tight with both Chase Manhattan and Goldman Sachs, which helped the drug-infested Bank of New York and CS First Boston loot Russia’s Treasury.
When the CIA mob was done looting S&Ls, Goldman Sachs swooped up billions in assets for a song.
Chase Manhattan’s International Advisory Board includes Y. K. Pao of Hong Kong Worldwide Shipping, Ian Sinclair of the Canadian Pacific heroin express and G. A. Wagner of Royal Dutch/Shell. [12]
Pao was Vice-Chairman at HSBC.
Kissinger Associates’ board is even more shadowy and powerful, a Masonic Freudian slip since kiss ass is what they do when old money talks.
Co-founder Lord Carrington, board member at both Barclays and Hambros, chairs both the Bilderberger Group and the Royal Institute for International Affairs.
KissAss board member Mario d’Urso of the Kuhn Loeb banking dynasty, heads Jefferson Insurance, the US joint venture of Assicurazioni Generali (AG) and Riunione Adriatica di Sicurta (RAS).
AG of Venice is keeper of the immense fortunes of the old Venetian banking families who funded the Crusades and the Holy Roman Empire. Its board included Elie de Rothschild; Baron August Von Finck, the richest man in Germany; Baron Pierre Lambert, Rothschild cousin and the money behind Drexel Burnham Lambert; Jocelyn Hambro, whose family owns Hambros Bank ~ which owned half of Michelle Sindona’s Banca Privata; Pierpaolo Luzzatto Fequiz of the powerful Italian Luzzato family which had ties to Sindona’s Banco Amrosiano; and Frano Orsini Bonacossi of the powerful Orsini family whose members sat in the original Roman Empire Senate. The biggest shareholders of AG are Lazard Freres and Banque Paribas. [13]

Paribas ~ now the world’s biggest bank ~ is controlled by the Warburg family, while Lazard is dominated by the Lazard and David-Weill families.
The British Lazards are now part of the Pearson conglomerate, which owns the Financial Times, the Economist, Penguin and Viking Books, Madame Tussaud’s and extensive US interests. The French Lazard Freres is tucked under a holding company known as EuraFrance.
Lazard handles money for the global elite including the Italian Agnellis, the Belgian Boels, the British Pearsons and the American Kennedys.
RAS board members include members of the Giustiniani family ~ descended from Roman Emperor Justinian, the Dora family ~ Genoese financiers of the Spanish Hapsburg monarchs, and the Duke of Alba ~ who descends from the Spanish Hapsburg monarchy.
Another powerhouse on the Kiss Ass board was Nathaniel Samuels, another Kuhn Loeb old hand from the Samuel clan that controls much of Royal Dutch/Shell and Rio Tinto. Samuels was Chairman of the Paris-based Banque Louis-Dreyfus Holding Company, which descends from the Louis Dreyfus grain trading dynasty ~ one of the Four Horsemen of Grain.
Lord Eric Roll is another board member at KissAss. Roll is chairman of the Warburg family investment bank S. G. Warburg.
The Kiss Ass Asian powerhouse board member is Sir Y. K. Kan of Hong Kong, who represents four old money Chinese families that control the Bank of East Asia.
Kiss Ass client BNL’s P-2 Freemason roots can be traced back to Banca Commerciale d‘Italia, where P-2 was founded. The bank’s Swiss subsidiary Banca de la Svizzera bought 7% of Lehman Brothers in the 1970’s.
The Lehman family made their fortune running guns to Confederate forces while smuggling southern British opium family plantation cotton to the Union.
When Lehman Brothers client Enron collapsed, UBS Warburg swooped in to seize Enron OnLine for $0.
When Lehman went belly up in 2008, it was Barclays that feasted upon its carcass.
ED: A little more information:
Current and Former Employees
Brent Scowcroft12
Timothy Geithner13
Lawrence Eagleburger
L. Paul Bremer14
Thomas “Mack” McLarty III
William “Bill” Richardson
Alan Stoga15
T. Jefferson Cunningham III
William Rogers
Pehr Gyllenhammar16
Sergio Correa da Costa
Paul Speltz
Roy, J. Stapleton
Thomas E. Graham
Alan R. Batkin
Current and Former Clients
American Express17
J.P. Morgan Chase
Hollinger, Inc.19
Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken20
[767] The Chase: The Chase Manhattan Bank N. A.: 1945-1985. Harvard Business School Press. Boston. 1986. p.231
[768] The House of Morgan. Ron Chernow. Atlantic Monthly Press. New York. 1990. p.606
[769] “The Olayan Group: Fifty Years of Forging Business Partnership”. Advertisement. Forbes. 7-7-97
[770] “Now the Desert Kingdom’s are Thirsty for Cash”. John Rossant. Business Week. 3-18-91. p.32
[771] Chernow. p.612
[772] Dope Inc.: The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992. p.125
[773] Ibid. p.194
[774] Ibid. p.200
[775] Ibid. p.445
[776] “A System out of Control, Not Just One Bank”. George Winslow. In These Times. October 23-29, 1991. p.8
[777] “The Enron Black Magic: Part III”. Sherman Skolnick. 1999.
[778] Hot Money and the Politics of Debt. R.T. Naylor. The Linden Press/Simon & Schuster. New York. 1987. p.22
[779] The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. p.339
[780] Ibid. p.98
By: Noor al Haqiqa
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