Colour coding...
..lalu aku mengkaji setiap jata (coat of arms) dan bendera negara-negara yang ada di dalam dunia dan peristiwa yang berlaku didalam negara-negara tersebut berlaku peperangan, revolusi, masaalah sosial dan keagamaan..
..mengapa perlu ada semua ini??? Apa hubungkait nyerrr???
Jepun begitu mudah datang ke Tanah Melayu seperti diberi laluan oleh negara-negara French Indochina dan Thailand. Tiada tentangan yang mengakibatkan kematian besar-besaran.
Mengapa Jepun beria-ia datang ke South East Asia..hanya kerana hasil bumi nyerr..kerana getah dan bijih timah?..mengapa ia tidak menjajah East Asia sedangkan ia mampu mengalahkan Manchuria.
Adakah benar Jepun ingin menakluk negara-negara miskin di South Asia???
Atau sekadar New Asia Strategies..aku cuba kaitkan empat objektif dari Suruhanjaya ini dengan 4 kuasa dunia mengukuhkan kedudukan mereka di Asia.
1) Knight Templar-->Kekayaan
2) Bohemian Groove-->Keselamatan
3) Jesuit-->Bantuan Kemanusian
4) Rothschilds-->Kebebasan Bersuara
Seolah-olah segala-gala peristiwa yang berlaku ketika tahun 1940an adalah brainwashing untuk setiap negara menerima satu TAMADUN baru kehidupan manusia. PERTUBUHAN BANGSA-BANGSA BERSATU.
"In the 1940s, British writer and futurist H. G. Wells would go further than progressives by appropriating and redefining the term "new world order" as a synonym for the establishment of a technocratic world state and planned economy."...Wells, H. G. (2006). The New World Order. Hesperides Press. ISBN 1406722626.Satu sejarah baru dimana hampir seluruh negara menjadi ahli Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu selepas ia ditubuhkan oleh Rockfellar dan hampir seluruh negara didunia menerima bai'ah baru bahawa akan tunduk kepada "satu kuasa yang lima"..DAN RAMAI UMAT ISLAM TELAH MURTAD AKIBAT PERBUATAN INI..
Aku memikirkan mengapa warna-warna di dalam setiap bendera hampir serupa sahaja..dimana kreativit manusia ketika mencipta bendera..mengapa hanya terhad kepada warna asas?..seperti ada pihak berkuasa yang telah menentu atau mengklasifikasikan warna yang boleh digunakan oleh setiap negara....berjuta-juta manusia hanya ini sahaja yang dapat dihasilkan??..pelikkk..

Kalau nak tahu kena cari maklumat dan cari kaitan yang logik diantara satu peristiwa, lambang..dan warna???..lagi pun ini sekadar teori jerr sambil menanti waktu berbuka..giler ke teori ni??
Tapi walaupun apa rancangan mereka..Allah S.W.T lebih berkuasa diatas segala perancangan nya..
Muslims' Victories Before the Dajjal's Appearance
Jabir bin Samurah narrated, "Nafi' bin 'Utbah said, 'We were accompanying the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) to a battle.' Then, he (Nafi') said, 'Then, some people from the west (of Madinah) came to the Prophet wearing clothes made of wool and they met him next to a mound. They were standing while the Messenger of Allah was sitting.' He (Nafi') then said, 'So I told myself, "Let me come closer to them and stand between them and him so that they will not assassinate him." He (Nafi') then said, '(Then, I said to myself) "They may be having a conversation with him." However, I came close by and stood between them and him.' He (Nafi') then said, 'And then I memorized four sentences from him, and I can count them with my hand. He said,"You will invade the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will grant it (to you). Then (you will conquer) Persia and Allah will grant it (to you). Then, you will invade Ar-Rum and Allah will grant it (to you). Then, you will invade The Dajjal and Allah will grant him (to you)." Nafi' said to Jabir, "O Jabir! We do not believe that the Dajjal will appear until Ar-Rum is conquered." (Ibid., no. 2028)
The land of Ar-Rum is Europe and Rome is its heart. The Messenger of Allah gave us the good tidings that we will conquer Rome, the capital of Christendom today, after the Muslims conquered the first capital of Christendom, Constantinople.
Imam Ahmad narrated that Abdullah Bin Amr Bin Al-Aas said, "While we were around the Messenger of Allah) writing (the Hadith) the Messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h.) was asked/ 'Which of these two cities will be conquered first, Constantinople or Romiyah (Rome)?' He said, 'The city of Heracles will first be conquered.' He meant Constantinople.'' (Al-Hakim, Al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 508. Also, see As-Silsilah as-Sahihah, vol. 1)
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