Walaupun banyak kemajuan yang dicapai oleh Singapura terpalit jua kelemahan yang amat ketara didalam barisan pertahanannya.
Mampukah mereka menghadapi serangan dari Indonesia, Filipina atau pun Malaysia sekiranya motto kejayaan pasukan pertahanannya ialah; di setiap kejayaan seorang tentera Singapura ada seorang amah.
Disebabkan gambar ni, tinjauan dilakukan oleh suratkhabar negara tersebut. Hasil dari tinjauan tersebut, dari 23 orang askar yang dikaji, 22 orang dari mereka menggunakan amah untuk membersihkan pakaian dan bilik mereka
Aku harap-harapkan askar Malaysia tak ada yang berperangai macam askar Singapura.
Bila aku tengok macam ni, aku yakin sangat kalau kita berperang dengan Singapura dalam tempoh 10 hari jerr kita da boleh tawan satu pulau Singapura.
Teknologi peperangan kita pun bukan lah sangat out dated.
Ditambah dengan semangat jihadul-kafirun, kita mampu menghancurkan mereka andai nya mereka berniat menyerang Tanah Melayu ini.
Source: The Straits Times/ANN

In a letter to The Straits Times Forum Page, the Ministry of Defence said the Singapore Armed Forces has completed its investigation into the case.
'The serviceman concerned has identified himself to his commander,' said Colonel Desmond Tan, director of Mindef's Public Affairs Department.
Col Tan said he was a recruit undergoing the Physical Training Preparatory phase prior to Basic Military Training (BMT).
'The recruit is remorseful for his actions and realises that it was wrong for him to have allowed this,' he said.
'He has been counselled and continues his training. The SAF has reminded all servicemen to be mindful of their conduct in public.'
A photograph of the full-time national serviceman (NSF) and his maid, which was taken from a Facebook account, surfaced on The Straits Times online portal Stomp on March 27 and became viral.
It showed just their backs and appeared to have been taken in the Tanah Merah vicinity.
The image spawned emotions ranging from outrage to amusement to angst about the state of Singapore's youth.
It also led to a frenzy of forum postings, tweets and articles. Spoofs also made the rounds, with one showing a platoon of maids carrying field packs marching on a parade square.
Photos courtesy of The Straits Times
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