Kejadian gempa berlaku dari satu negara ke satu negara.
Tsunami yang membadai pantai Jepun telah membunuh ratus ribu nyawa.
Beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini, Rockfellar bapa illuminati sering berulang alik ke Jepun.
Adakah perkaitan diantara sistem HAARP, Rockfellar, New World Order dan ahli-ahli politik Jepun?

There's a natural mystic blowing through the air;
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.
Things are not the way they used to be,
I won't tell no lie;
One and all have to face reality now.
'Though I've tried to find the answer to all the questions they ask.
'Though I know it's impossible to go livin' through the past -
Don't tell no lie.
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
Can't keep them down -
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - don't ask me why.
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air -
I won't tell no lie;
If you listen carefully now you will hear:
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air.
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
There's a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air;
Such a natural mystic blowing through the air.
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