Sehingga bila kita tidak mahu berubah?..atau tidak akan berubah?

This post is to prove to you who the real masters of this world are that you've been tricked into serving. You don't have to take my word for anything because the images below will prove it for you:
Can you identify the flag below?

Looks familiar? You've seen this flag before? It isn't difficult, you're familiar with the color code and pattern, sure looks like the US flag but you don't quiet understand why there's a Union Jack where there you should see the stars?
So what do you think this flag could be? Take a guess!!
I'll throw in some clues:
* This flag is for the Union of USA and Britain which will happen in future.
* No, no. That can't happen because Britain is already in the European Union. So, well, may be, it represents the Union of Canada with the US.
* Well no, this flag represents the union of all Anglo-Saxon countries
NONE actually! This flag you see above is the flag of the British East India company officered mostly by freemasons and illuminati that ruled India till 1857. Yes, it was the flag of a company known for the worst crimes and genocides and loots and robberies and what have you in the history of mankind. It is the flag of a company with an empire...ruled by the Rothschilds and freemasons...
Now check this second flag below. Can you identify this one at least?

I know there isn't much difference between these first and the second flag you say? Well, there is and there isn't!!
This second flag is the US Grand Union Flag. There is difference in the sense that this time, the dominion is over the colonies in north America and not in India and there isn't much difference in the sense that it's the same British East India company, with the Rothschild's having the controlling interest, and officered by Freemasons and Illuminati folks that ruled India as well as ruled America.
So the colonies in India and in north America all had one master - The British East India Company ruled by the Rothschilds! No wonder the flags aren't any different!
Now, for the last one. See below...

See that one? That's the truth! You Americans are just subjects of the British East India Company, controlled by the Rotshchilds and ruled through Freemasons. Little wonder that you have to pay up whenever and whatever you're asked for to the Federal Reserve led by the Rothschilds! I guess I don't have to tell you what happens if you resist the IRS?!
Now, you might ask, at least India is now free and they have a different flag. At least that's what even we in India think!
But it helps to know that deception changes color every time you see through it. The Indian flag might look different but its the same freemasons and Rothschild hand picks who have ruled India since its inception as a proxy to the Rothschild created USSR.
So that's the truth and the whole truth vividly for you in picutres. Remember, pictures don't lie:-)!
The stars and stripes is what Indians, Red Indians and Americans salute to and live and die for because if you refuse or question, there will be stripes on your body and you will see the stars:-)!!
And the last but not least..our beloved country..

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