Salah satu komen yang sempat aku salin dari Henrymakow. Adakah Freemason@Illuminati telah menguasai para2 pemerintah di Malaysia? Semakin hari pertubuhan ini semakin berani menonjolkan diri tanpa berselindung lagi. ....Orang-orang Melayu harus berani tampil menentang agenda New world Order yang dibawa oleh pertubuhan Freemason.
Orang-orang Melayu harus bersatu bersama Parti Islam Malaysia bagi mengukuhkan kedudukan daulat orang Melayu di rantau Asia ini. Kita berani tampil menjadi jaguh dirantau ini menentang agenda Freemason secara terbuka.
Apabila penyokong-penyokong Umno sanggup berjuang berganding bahu bersama penyokong-penyokong dan pemimpin-pemimpin PAS, Freemason tidak akan mempunyai ruang untuk meneruskan agendanya di bumi bertuah ini. Mampukah kita sebagai pendokong-pendokong perjuangan Islam menyedarkan mereka ini agar tidak tersesat lebih jauh??.....
I read this article with great interest as I am a Freemason and can tell you that in New York they have lost all influence. The Jews run the roost and have infiltrated the lodges completely.
Right after the civil war the international (Jewish) bankers killed Lincoln for printing greenbacks which were debt free money.
The Masons were taken over by 2 jews
1) Albert Pike, Known pedophile and Zionist Jew who spells out in his book Morals and dogma how Masonry (he changed it to 33 degrees instead of the 99 it once had) should be based on the Kabala. The masons until then worshiped the 5 pointed star. Pike changed it into the 6 pointed star and slightly changed the Masonic emblem to be a representation of this star of David. Later Baseball which is a clearly Masonic game seduced the American public so recreation would be an obsession of Americans and not industry and innovation.
2) At the same time Adam Weishaupt was the man who made the decision to have the masons adopt the policy of not speaking about “religion money or politics” at any meetings essentially quelling any power they might have which the lodges had yielded up until that point. Today If you become a member of a lodge the Brothers have no idea that the power that built this country was based upon Egyptian Metaphysics is no longer practiced and instead They open, close and then have a meal which is just an excuse to spend a little time away from home and the wife.
3) The Scottish Rite which is one of the 2 main paths of masonry (the other being the York right which I just Demitted from) was brought here from Scotland by another jew Henry Andrew Francken . Today in lodges There are groups made up almost exclusively of Jews that run the show and even the rank and file Jew is offended at the level of Zionism.
4) So I ask you, if you remove Money, Politics and religion from topics of discussion what is left? The answer is not much and Men of all faiths are seduced into this club to subvert their energies so they will not compete with the Zionists in business or politics.
One more thing (really a hundred)
A member of my lodge pressed the Master who has been a mason since he was a boy, what is the name of the god of the masons? He would not answer saying that when we learned the rituals he would tell us. However we already showed our proficiency a year before so he pressed on and got no answer and left the lodge. My research shoes that it is the gods of the twin towers (KLCC??). This is why there are 2 pillars in the lodge One for Enlil and the other for Enki. (Sumerian names) The clues here are the legend of Tubal Kane
The 10th generation of the famous Kane who killed able. When the curse that god bestowed upon his family was finally lifted he went to the west and built a city of twin towers one for each for the twin gods. Enki being Yahweh. Combining the 2 faiths and more as they accept everyone is Secularism. No faith practiced today believes in just one god. They choose to worship only one but they acknowledge others.
Dalam PAS sendiri ada pemimpin tinggi yang terlibat dengan Freemason.Kalau saudara bijak & telus,cuba korek keluar siapa dia dan hebahkan...PAs sekarang sudah tak macam dulu.PKR lagi lah hancur,terang2 Anwar Ibrahim dapat fund dari Freemason untuk kerja politik PKR.
sekarang ni sume takboleh pakai dan percaya. pemimpin pun turut sama FREEMASON/ILLUMINATI. takperlu lah bersusah payah nak terikut sgt nak mngundi mana2 pemimpin. undi pun untuk negara. jgn bagi negara di rampas bangsa asing! kekalkan bumiputra sebagai pemimpin tetapi jgn terlalu taksub sgt dgn propaganda mereka.
klu pemimpin pas ada y freemason..please lah..buktikan..klu ada xpyh ckp..tv dh lama keluarkan...dh..tv pemimpin pas x pernah boleh bercakap pun..tu yang tuduh husam bg rasuah..smpai skrng x bwk g kat spr..tpklu btul dh lama g spr..dh..taib mahmud y terang lagi bersuluh dgn kekayaan dia..x bwk plak g spr..
pada pendapat gua, Illuminati berada di kedua-dua belah pihak....sehingga kita tidak mampu membezakan mereka..hanya dapat dibezakan dgn NUR Allah seperti yg di disebut oleh Syeikh Imran Hosein di dlm ceramah2nya.
siapa yg cipta demokrasi?, siapa yg cipta agama dgn politik mesti dipisahkan? siapa yg menjatuhkan raja2 di eropah dan separuh dari dunia? hingga diwujudkan pula raja berpelembagaan? siapa yg cipta PBB? siapa yg cipta bank dan faedah? bukankah mereka dari golongan freemason dan iluminati.
Yaaa..betolll..lama sgt dah hidup dlm sistem ciptaan illuminati..mereka ini senebar nyerr musuh kita....bukan anwar ibrahim, nik aziz, najib atau mahathir..tetapi parti umno sebenarnyerr menjadilembu tunggangan illuminati..pope, queen, lynas@goldman sach, rothschild sdn bhd..bla..bla..
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